

Val+ is a unique product that will provide you with well-qualified and motivated vendors who are ready to book an in-person home valuation, who have recently requested an instant online valuation at OnTheMarket.


  • You’ll receive high quality leads that’ll mean it’s easier for you to ring them and book in a time and date for the appointment
  • Target already engaged potential vendors that are interested to know how much their home is worth
  • We do all the legwork for you!

How does it work?

  • A dedicated team will call consumers who have completed an instant online valuation at OnTheMarket, but did not go on to request an agent valuation straightaway. They’ll explain to the homeowners the benefits of an expert valuation from a local agent
  • This unique service provides you with qualified and motivated vendors who are ready to book an in-person agent valuation appointment with you, the local expert
  • In addition to a small monthly admin fee, these leads are charged on a ‘Cost Per Lead’ basis. This means you’re only charged for the valuation leads you receive!

Get in touch to find out more…

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