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How do I export my email leads?

From your dashboard, navigate to the Email leads quick link (also found under the Reports menu).

Email leads graph

Displayed first on this page is a graph reflecting your email leads within the last three months. There is a summary of total counts below the graph. Hover over the graph to view counts of different lead types.

Searching, filtering and sorting

Underneath the graph is a search bar where you can search your enquiries by name, email address, or any keyword. You can filter by property channel and key info (selecting the filter icon will present you with the relevant options).  You can also click the sender details to see all leads submitted to your branch by that particular sender.

The columns on your list are sortable (click on the header to re-order the list). We’ll show you the date and timestamp that the enquiry was received, name and contact details, sender’s postcode, key info relevant to the lead type, property details (if applicable), and the message (click the ‘plus’ to the left of the applicant details). Clicking on the property address will expand to give you: top-line information on the property, all leads sent, option leave notes and/or star a lead if an offer has been made, and view the live property on site as well as change the properties status.


Use the start and end date fields to select your desired date range. Select Export to generate a report and automatically download to a CSV file. You can also filter by lead type if required.

If you need further assistance, please phone us on 0808 1202 877 (option 3 for Technical Support) or email and we’ll be happy to help.

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