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Wish List explained

Wish List

Our Wish List feature allows property seekers to search for the features they’re really looking for in their next property. Off-street parking, a private garden, or an en-suite for example; all the nice-to-haves and must-haves that property seekers want. They can search for up to five features; selecting from our suggested features, or hit enter/return to confirm their own.

We’ll sort the results by the number of Wish List features matched on each listing. We’ll display how many matches each property has and the consumer can select the icon to see which features have been matched.

At this time, Wish List will only return results when searching local and regional locations. If a consumer tries to use Wish List while viewing properties in the whole of England, Scotland or Wales, matches won’t be returned as we aren’t able to scan all of the properties currently in the search without impacting the customer experience.

How does it match?

As a consumer searches the site, we’ll automatically scan the text of your listing description and key features for any matches. Be sure to include any keywords relating to the property within the listing. For example, if it has four acres of land, a double garage, or is a character property (like a castle) make sure you mention it – we’ll handle the rest.

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