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Two-step verification explained

Two-step verification is a technical term for requiring two pieces of information, or taking two “steps”, to verify your log-in attempt. The first step is your password, and the second step is typically a verification code sent to you. The most common form of two-step verification is email-based, where the verification code is delivered to your email address, which is a method you may be familiar with already.

So, what is SMS two-step verification?

SMS two-step verification means the verification code is delivered to you over SMS instead of via email. This requires you to have physical access to your mobile device as well as knowledge of your email and password to log-in to your account on a previously unverified device.

Why did we implement this?

We implemented SMS two-step verification in February 2020, the first UK property portal to do so, following a steady increase in phishing attempts that we had observed being carried out against our members and in the wider community.

Email phishing is a preferred method of attack by third-parties as it can give the attacker control over your inbox, allowing them to complete the second step in the email-based verification system.

The majority of our regular users have activated SMS two-step verification on their accounts and we encourage all of our members to move over to SMS two-step verification where possible. This measure significantly reduces the risk of a successful phishing attack because it requires physical access to your mobile device at the time of the log-in. As a result, it is fast becoming a best-practice procedure.

If you need help activating SMS two-step verification on your account, please contact our Technical Support team on 0808 1202 877 (option 3) or at and they will be happy to assist.

What other steps can you take to secure your account?

One of the simplest, and most effective, methods of reducing the impact of a successful phishing attack is to use different passwords across your online accounts, including your email account. That way, if one account is compromised, the rest will remain secure.

Be sure to only click links or download any attachments within an email if you know and trust the sender.

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