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How do I edit or remove a property?

Editing a property

Select the Property list quick link found at the top left-hand side of your dashboard (alternatively Manage > Properties). 

The Property list page is split between two tabs, DETAILS and PERFORMANCE. DETAILS is the default view; you will see this underlined at the top of the list. Clicking on PERFORMANCE will take you to that view.

Briefly shows you the overall information about a property: the first photo, price, address, status, etc. The Health column tells you how many photos and floorplans a property listing has and how many days it has been since you made an update to the listing.

If you wish to review anything further, or make any changes, click onto the appropriate pencil icon on the left hand side of the screen.

Provides information on how a property listing has been performing on our site.

You can see how many times a listing has appeared in search results (Summary views), how many times the full details have been viewed, how things compare to the previous seven days, how things compare to similar property listings (based on location, price and bedrooms) and how many email leads a property has generated.

Selecting the Graph option on a property will take you to a new page, where you can create professional reports about a property’s performance.

Removing a property

If a property has moved to a Let agreed, SSTC or similar stage, we recommend you edit the property’s Availability field to reflect this. This means the property listing will receive a corresponding ‘flag’ at OnTheMarket and will be removed from the default search results (property seekers can include these property listings if they select the filter to do so).

Should you need to remove the property/plot altogether, select the checkbox next to the image thumbnail and click Hide which will appear at the top of the list. This action will remove the listing from OnTheMarket entirely, but you will still have access to it within OnTheMarket Expert. If you use a data feed provider, please ensure the property has been removed from your feed software.

Please phone us on 0808 1202 877 (option 3 for Technical Support, option 4 for New Homes Support) if youre having any trouble and we’ll be happy to help.

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